Pesto Genovese


penne with chicken and pesto

I don't know why, but up until I went to Italy last year, I don't remember ever having pesto.
Boy, was I missing out.
Pesto goes great with SO many things: pasta, on poultry or fish, in place of tomato sauce on pizza, on crackers with goat cheese...the possibilities are endless. And the best part is it freezes nicely, so its always at your disposal.
To make the pesto sauce, I used a combination of this recipe (specifically using cashews instead of pine nuts), and the recipe that came with the basil packet I purchased at Trader Joe's. I don't use the amount of oil given in the recipe, only enough to liquefy the mixture, and of course I cheated and used a blender instead of a mortar and pestle. Either way, its by far one of the easiest and most delicious things to make. 

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