Burnt out.


Relaxing is something that doesn't always come easy to me. Instead of taking a minute to just chill, I sometimes find myself using that minute to "be more productive" when I should be using it to preserve my sanity.

Fortunately for me yesterday, I wasn't feeling well. At. All. I don't know if it's a result of the time change or the beginnings of a cold, but I was feeling less than stellar. I say fortunately, because while my "condition" was less than ideal, I was forced to rest, instead of powering through it like I normally would. I normally can't take a nap, but I took the most amazing nap yesterday, and have been feeling better since then.

All of this has taught me that while my to-do list is a great priority, I need to put myself at the top of that  list and make it a point to slow down and relax, especially if my body is telling me to do so.

So that's it from me. I'm now off to Trader Joe's & Whole Foods to pick up some items to begin my Whole 30, Target (because Target is my happy place), and Shake Shack (ironic, I know, but I want custard, so...yeah).

What helps you to relax and unwind?


  1. I can 100% relate girl! I find it very hard to relax too, although my New Years Resolution was to find balance in my day to day life. I've been making improvement but need to keep working on it. :) I'm glad you were able to nap! That's a start! Although I know how hard it can be...I'm not a good napper either. ;)

    1. Thanks Rachel! I always say I'm going to make more time to relax but truly never follow through! This week taught me to try harder!

  2. I totally relate–and sometimes the pressure to "relax" makes me even more stressed out! I usually try to take some time to read a book or grab a bit to eat out (my favorite).

    The Glossy Life

    1. The frozen custard from Shake Shack definitely helped!

  3. Very true. I go to bed early each night to get a good night's rest for my health. So many people stay up late (blogging, watching TV, getting drinks with friends), but my health and happiness takes priority over those luxuries. I always tell people that the best way to prevent being burnt out is 3 things. 1. Say "no" to more things. Especially at work and in the blogging world. 2. Go to bed earlier. and 3. Breathe! :)

    1. I think number 3 is definitely the one i need to work on! I hear that about going to bed early. I'm just not myself without a full night's sleep!

  4. I'm glad you got to rest; being sick is the worst, but I agree, it's nice to sometimes have a reason to just slow down. I love cuddling up in bed and catching up on TV! Feel better :)

    Two Leaf Clover


    1. Thank you Meg! Bed and TV has truly been helping my recovery :)

  5. I am SOOO feeling this right now! I wish i had one of those magic naps!

    1. I wish I could send you one!!!

  6. Oh no, I hope you feel better! That's a great quote. As of late, when I want to relax/unwind, I try to catch up on a TV show (preferably a sitcom like The Office) :)

