Along with sandals and flip flops, my favorite summer footwear would definitely have to include espadrilles. (I also just really love saying espadrilles.) Heeled and wedge versions have always been a staple, but in the last two years, I have really grown to love flat pairs as well. They instantly "summer-ize" a basic tank and shorts, and best of all, they are super comfortable, perfect for walking around. Given that my knee is in the process of healing, flip flops (and the lack of support) are currently a no-go, unless it's to the nail salon or the beach. Till then, flat espadrilles it is. Not that that's a problem or anything...
I've been particularly wanderlust-y lately. Part of it has to do with the nearing of summer vacations, and another part has to do with my reminiscing of my study abroad trip which I took around this time four years ago. (You can read a little about that trip here, here, and here.) I just want to get up and GO. (This e-card couldn't be more perfect.)
I've been putting off serious travel, opting for when I'm "older." But the reality is that life happens now, andoften times sometimes the "perfect" time never comes, and after reading a comment made by Lydia on my Paris post (2014!!), I finally came to my senses:
I've been putting off serious travel, opting for when I'm "older." But the reality is that life happens now, and
" often we put stuff like that off, waiting for when we have more money or less going on at work or just a million reasons not to when you are forgetting the most important reason why you should."Profound, Perspective. Perfect. After all, "travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer."
just a few of my travel plans...
To hold me over, I will go over past trip pictures, do some preliminary planning, and go on a little adventure around town. Truly the best thing about living in NYC is it's diversity, and the ability to "escape," right in my own backyard.
What are your travel plans? If you have any hesitations, what are they?
Weekending and Making The Switch
Happy Friday, all! Anyone else feel like this week just flew on by? While that may be, I am embracing Friday with open arms as I am ready and excited for the long weekend. Hello to the (unofficial) start of summer!
As much of an oxymoron it may be, I hope to have a productive, yet super relaxing weekend. One productive thing I hope to achieve this long weekend besides picking up some new digs at the MDW sales, is making the switch from Blogger to I've been thinking about making this switch for a long while now, and spent the better part of the week doing my research, reading super helpful blog posts, and many tutorials about the process. I am still going back and forth a little bit, but I think the greater part of me is saying "JUST DO IT ALREADY!" So I think I will in the next few days. Color me excited and nervous. As always, I appreciate any tips/advice you may have!
That said, I wish you all a wonderful and fun long weekend, and don't forget what it's for! I think this sums up Memorial Day Weekend quite nicely.
State of the blog
Even though I have found and ordered multiple pairs my perfect jeans, what I am really excited to add to my wardrobe at the moment are dresses. It never fails that 70+ degree weather (like NYC has seen the last few days) happens overnight, (despite the fact that *shock* it happens every. single. year..) and I realize two things:
1. I am not prepared for warmer weather.
2. I absolutely hate wearing jeans when it's even the slightest bit hot out.
To solve this little "dilemma," I am getting my shop on now and stocking up for the season, starting with a few dresses. Besides being comfortable and easy, I love how dresses are just so perfect for when my brain is fried from the heat, and the only thing I can think of is how hot it is. Nothing like having the guesswork taken care of for you!
A black maxi and t-shirt dress are my two absolute musts. I know, this time of year isn't exactly the weather to be wearing black, but I can't help it! I love how easy they are to throw on and how they make the perfect blank canvas for a great accessory like a hat or necklace. Best of all, they are super versatile, and I especially love them for travel as they are comfortable, yet stylish.
LOFT maxi
When I first saw this printed maxi dress on Jessica of Get Jessed Up, I knew I had to have it. The prints! The colors! I absolutely lived in this printed maxi last summer, as it saw me through BBQ's, casual dinners, and vacation. I plan to do the same with this dress.
Banana Republic colorblock sheath dress & colorblock tank dress
Spontaneous plans seem to go hand in hand with the summer season, so being prepared for a more dressed up occasion is essential. Plus, I just really love these two dresses from Banana. #anyexcuse
Sanctuary lace dress
A lacy white dress is just one of those things that screams summer to me. While I find that most of them look like tablecloths, I love the texture and light feel of this dress from Macy's. Hopefully it doesn't disappoint! (Or I find one like it!)
What does your warm weather wardrobe look like? Do you also gravitate more towards dresses?
Summer dresses
Monday Mantra
With a few of my friends graduating this past week and weekend, besides reflecting on my own graduation, I can't help but flip through one of my favorite books/the book I love to give for graduation, Oh, The Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss. No matter how many times I look through this book, something new always strikes me and it is always so relevant. While it may be considered a "book for children," I love how anyone journeying through life can connect with the story, no matter what their age may be.
If you want to read it, click here.
What is motivating you, mantra or otherwise, for this week?
Three Hundred
I've never really "celebrated" any blog milestones or birthdays, but when I saw that I was coming up on my 300th post, I figured "why not?" Any reason for a celebration is reason enough I say!
Honestly, I can't believe that this is my 300th post. There were times when feeling uninspired in life lead to breaks that sometimes felt like they would end up being permanent. But they never did. Why? Because I truly do love blogging. I am grateful for the way this blog has helped me to grow and explore life, the different opportunities it has presented me, and best of all, the many people I have met along the way, (some of which have become friends "in real life") whether it's in a comment or tweet, or what have you. You all are definitely my favorite thing about this blog.
With that said, lets get on to the celebration portion of the post shall we?
As a little thank you prize, one of you will win one of my newest pieces for spring, the textured small link bracelet in your choice of silver or gold. The giveaway will run from 5/17 to 5/23, and the winner will be announced on Friday the 24th. Just in time for the holiday weekend!
Honestly, I can't believe that this is my 300th post. There were times when feeling uninspired in life lead to breaks that sometimes felt like they would end up being permanent. But they never did. Why? Because I truly do love blogging. I am grateful for the way this blog has helped me to grow and explore life, the different opportunities it has presented me, and best of all, the many people I have met along the way, (some of which have become friends "in real life") whether it's in a comment or tweet, or what have you. You all are definitely my favorite thing about this blog.
With that said, lets get on to the celebration portion of the post shall we?
As a little thank you prize, one of you will win one of my newest pieces for spring, the textured small link bracelet in your choice of silver or gold. The giveaway will run from 5/17 to 5/23, and the winner will be announced on Friday the 24th. Just in time for the holiday weekend!
Good luck to all who enter and again THANK YOU! xx
State of the blog
Egg Muffins
Guess who's in the midst of another Whole 30?
I know I said in my Whole 30 recap post that I would perhaps do another Whole 30 after Cinco de Mayo, but I didn't think it would be so literal as in the day after Cinco de Mayo. I was thinking, I don't know, after Thanksgiving? But my mom asked me to do another one with her, and I couldn't refuse. Because when mom asks, you do. (Or risk the guilt trip forever. JK my mom doesn't do that...) I'm probably only going to do another week or two with Memorial Day weekend around the corner and all.
I know I said in my Whole 30 recap post that I would perhaps do another Whole 30 after Cinco de Mayo, but I didn't think it would be so literal as in the day after Cinco de Mayo. I was thinking, I don't know, after Thanksgiving? But my mom asked me to do another one with her, and I couldn't refuse. Because when mom asks, you do. (Or risk the guilt trip forever. JK my mom doesn't do that...) I'm probably only going to do another week or two with Memorial Day weekend around the corner and all.
Going a second round hasn't been hard, although I do miss chocolate and "paleofying" treats. Whole 30 or not, figuring out breakfast is still the hardest thing. Eggs are what I call my "breakfast crutch" because they don't require much thought or effort, and get the food-in-my-belly job done. While I get sick of them quite often, when I get creative outside of my usual scrambled eggs and kale, I love them. Last week was a "love week" when I combined my morning eggs with some leftover chili*, to make one of my favorites, egg muffins. I can't believe it's been a few months since I last made these given that they are so quick and easy, my main criteria for breakfast. (They also freeze well, perfect for a quick heat up/meal on the go!)
*(I call it chili. It's ground beef, tomato paste, chipotle pepper, cayenne pepper, kale and mushrooms. Whatever it is called, it's good.)
*(I call it chili. It's ground beef, tomato paste, chipotle pepper, cayenne pepper, kale and mushrooms. Whatever it is called, it's good.)
Easy Egg Muffins
printable recipe here
For this recipe I used:
1 cup (8 oz) of (leftover) chili (any ground meat will suffice)
1 cup (8 oz) of (leftover) chili (any ground meat will suffice)
4 eggs
Coconut oil
To begin, set the oven to 350 degrees and grease a muffin tin with coconut oil and set aside. (Cupcake liners may also be used.)
If not using leftovers, prepare the ground meat and seasonings of your choice (sausage is so good!) and set it aside to cool.
In a bowl, crack open and whisk the eggs so that they are a bit paler in color and a little frothy.
Now to assemble the muffins. Place a generous tablespoon of the meat in the bottom of each muffin well. Finish by pouring the eggs over the meat, stopping just before it reaches the top of the well.
Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes, or until a knife poked into the center of a muffin comes out clean.
As hard as it will be to resist, let the muffins cool for a few minutes and if necessary, use a knife to release the muffins. Serve and enjoy!
Egg Muffins
I'm doing the Whole 30
Whole 30
Whole 30 Breakfast
Life Post Grad: One Year Later
Then | The best thing about this picture? The guy in the pink shirt in the back.
Today, May the 15th, officially marks one year since graduation. Three hundred and sixty five days. Twelve months.
Where did the time go?
There was a part of me that was nervous for this day to come. No, actually I was dreading this day. I was scared this day would come and go and I would still be in the same situation: jobless and searching. This fear was accelerated a few weeks ago during my spring cleaning extravaganza when I came across my diploma in my closet and freaked out...a bit. I removed it from the shelf and gave it to my Dad with specific instructions: "Put this away before I burn it."
OF COURSE I would never actually burn my diploma-I worked too hard and went through way too much to get it. But seeing it brought about so many negative emotions. While I have been mostly positive in the last year, any emotion I had felt at some point during the last few months came rushing forward. Frustration from the many rejection letters telling me I'm a completely qualified candidate, but that there are no positions available at the moment. Regret for not doing XYZ during undergrad, even though XYZ was usually impossible. The feeling of failure because at 18 I thought I would graduate, have a job, and be on my way to owning my own business by the time I was 30. (That was one of many life plans. The other involved becoming an MTV VJ...) Then the "comparison anxiety" began. How come friend A has a job and not me? I know her GPA and qualifications were definitely not better than mine. If only had friend B's connections. I probably should have transferred to a bigger school like friend C. On and on and on and on.
Now | GPOY
I'm grateful that as I have gotten older, I've become wiser and know that while my feelings may be warranted, they are usually not true, and don't define me in any way. I'm also grateful that I have such an amazing support system, especially my parents, and friends A, B, and C. More than that, knowing that I am not alone in this situation is definitely a relief. Talking with friends and others that have been through it puts it all into perspective that "Hey,you're not a failure! You're just in the midst of a super crappy job market."
While the current hiring situation is out of my control, one thing I am in control of is my future. This last year has not just made me stronger, but has been one of the greatest learning experiences of my life so far. What I never understood in Accounting and Excel during undergrad (and called hieroglyphics,) is almost second nature to me now. I've become semi-conversational in Italian (parli appena lentamente per favore), I've discovered so many new places in my beautiful city, and I've picked up some fun new hobbies. More importantly I am dreaming bigger and taking things into my own hands. I've started expanding my jewelry locally and on Etsy and I'm 99.99% sure that that venture I briefly mentioned here, is becoming a reality and I am starting my own business. Does this mean I am completely giving up on the job search? Absolutely not. But am I going to try and pursue a few of my own dreams in the mean time. Absafreakinglutely.
I am happy that with each new day, I can see my vision of where I want to be down the road, and how I want to get there. I don't know what's to come, but I'm excited. I just know that when I look back at this post in a years time I will think, "that was only the beginning."
Life Lessons
Life post grad
Shopping and Ethics
One does not have to be an analyst to know that for any business, the bottom line is about profit, and there is nothing wrong with that. Who goes into business to go broke? Cheap labor abroad no doubt leads to a great end profit, but really, at what cost? Surely it shouldn't be another humans life.
I am happy to see that some retailers have already taken a pledge to take strides to ensure that the workers producing their garments are in factories that are safe. I truly hope that others will follow suit. Money talks, and I personally would rather spend my money somewhere that cares for their workers, near or far.
Coming closer to home, Abercrombie and Fitch CEO Mike Jeffries recently made some comments in regards to why A&F does not sell clothing larger than a size 10 for women and that he only wanted "thin and beautiful" people wearing his clothes. A quote from 2006 reportedly has has also gone viral with him saying the following:
‘In every school there are the cool and popular kids, and then there are the not-so-cool kids. Candidly, we go after the cool kids. We go after the attractive all-American kid with a great attitude and a lot of friends. A lot of people don’t belong [in our clothes], and they can’t belong. Are we exclusionary? Absolutely. Those companies that are in trouble are trying to target everybody: young, old, fat, skinny. But then you become totally vanilla. You don’t alienate anybody, but you don’t excite anybody, either.’Selective sizing is nothing new to the clothing industry and every retailer understandably has a target market. But I can't help but wonder given the current culture of bullying today, what kind of message this sends the tween/teen market. Whether or not this is just another A&F PR stunt, I'm sure there are other, kinder ways, to promote ones brand.
Do events like these and the response (or lack there of) from retailers change the way you shop? Would you pay more for clothing knowing that the workers were in better conditions? Would you stop shopping at a retailer for so openly disregarding a segment of people, even if it did not include you?
Feel free to go anonymous (just this once!) because I'd love to hear your thoughts.
An Epic Unveiling
There's no doubt that fashion usually gets as much attention as say the actors and location selected for a film, but I never thought that same went for an animated film. Last Thursday, I had the chance to get a special "behind the seams" look at Blue Sky Studios soon to be released (My 24th!) 3D adventure comedy, Epic, where I got to see just how intense the process of "designing" for an animated film is.
The presentation began with a look at the movie, followed by Epic's art director Michael Knapp giving us a glance of the last four years of the movie's production. (Epic began production in 2009.) He explained the inspiration for the characters costumes and how nature played as the ultimate muse, since Epic is set in the forest. This ultimately meant that there was no holding back in the sources of artistry, with details and movements often overlooked or unnoticed by the human eye (like the sepals of a flower,) playing a significant part in a characters look.
Following Michael Knapp's presentation, designer Chris Benz then unveiled his dress inspired by the movie, made of a fabric that is exclusive to the film. Both Michael Knapp and Chris Benz sat down together to answer a few questions regarding the movie, the design process, and their collaboration. Chris Benz joked that every season in his studio, green often becomes a neutral, go-to color, so creating the dress for Epic couldn't have been more fitting. Both agreed that the design process is no easy undertaking, but in the end, it is all worth it.
Needless to say by the end of the presentation, I was truly blown away by all of the details and work that went into making Epic one fashionable adventure. Between the fashion and the stylish cast, (Amanda Seyfried, Josh Hutcherson, Aziz Ansari, Colin Farrell, Beyonce to name a few), Epic is surely a fitting name for this film!
For more pictures of the event, head on over to my Facebook page!
A huge thank you to Jennine and IFB for the opportunity!
Epic the Movie
Rainy Day Shopping
Unless they interfere with plans, I love a rainy day on the weekend. It gives me the perfect opportunity to curl up in bed and catch up on some reading, watch some of my favorite movies, and just chill. It also gives me the opportunity to partake in my favorite every rainy day pastime: online shopping. A few things I have ready to checkout...
skirt | Mossimo
The criss cross skirt from Mossimo reminds me of this Helmut Lang skirt, but in a longer length. While I love the HL version, I am not sure that I love it enough to buy it. Maybe the Mossimo one can be a "tester."
sandals | Mossimo
I bought these sandals in gold a few weeks ago, not even realizing that they also came in silver. It's okay to buy them both, right?
jeans | Old Navy 'Rockstars'
It's truly a shame that I am just now trying The Rockstar jeans from Old Navy, considering they were released when I was working there. I have always had the hardest time finding jeans for my height, but after picking up these pants a few months ago and these jeans this past week, I think the Rockstars may be "the one." Plus, they are on sale this weekend for $19!
I have had my eye on this bag for quite awhile now, and the fact that I have a credit and a Nordstrom Note burning a hole in my pocket makes me want to get it now. The thing is, while I know I will get a ton of use out of the Minkoff bag, part of me thinks I should get the Dooney & Bourke bag that I posted about back in March first, as it is more of a "summer" bag. Suggestions?
Happy Saturday! What are your plans for the day/weekend?
Happy Saturday! What are your plans for the day/weekend?
Retail Therapy
Inspiring Me This Week (So Far)
This week has been an exceptionally inspiring one, and I just couldn't help but share them with you.
1. 60 Minutes
2. Levo League Office Hours with Warren Buffet
Watch live streaming video from levoleague at
I know I've mentioned Levo League before, but definitely not to the extent that it deserves. I joined Levo last summer, and I honestly cannot be without their articles and their bi-weekly Office Hours. This past Tuesday, Levo League co-founder and CEO Caroline Ghosn sat down with the one and only Warren Buffet. I find it so astonishing that regardless of his "status" Warren Buffet is incredibly humble and believes in everyone getting a fair chance in reaching and achieving their full potential. Even more remarkable is his belief and passion that women have everything necessary to succeed in the workplace and that they should.
“Women should not hold themselves back… Nobody should hold them back.”
-Warren Buffet
I highly recommend taking some time this weekend (or whenever really!), to check out the recap and the recording of the live stream on Levo. Not to be missed.
3. Heather Thomson at Rock the World
Heather Thomson quickly "holla'd" her way into my heart with her real attitude and business savvy in the most recent season of The Real Housewives of New York, and on Wednesday she spoke at the Women Entrepreneurs Rock the World conference. The founder and designer of Yummie Tummie spoke candidly about her career and her brand, and gave some great advice to women entrepreneurs everywhere. I followed along via Twitter (thank God for hashtags!) and here are a few of my favorite quotes and takeaways:
Heather paid back her $1 million dollar business loan in 2 years.
"Your ideas are your money. Protect them."
The only other brand DVF carries is Yummie.
"If you doubt yourself, you're f****d."
Besides being a designer, personal stylist, entrepreneur, and mother of two, Heather Thomson is a real "girl's girl" and truly believes in women empowering other women. Lastly she has a heart of gold participating various charities and lending a hand wherever she can. The world needs more Heathers!
Who or what is inspiring you this week?
60 Minutes
Heather Thomson
Warren Buffet
Met Gala Favorites
What did everyone think of the Met Gala red carpet last night? Given the theme, "Punk: Chaos to Couture," I was expecting so much more. I was really hoping to see looks that were a little less refined and glamorous, but still done in a high fashion way. (Jean Paul Gaultier S/S 2011 comes to mind.)
Theme aside, overall I was not disappointed by the fashions of last night. I mean, it is the Met Gala, so great fashion is a given. I love to dish on red carpet looks, so I would love to know who you're favorites (or not) of the night were!
Theme aside, overall I was not disappointed by the fashions of last night. I mean, it is the Met Gala, so great fashion is a given. I love to dish on red carpet looks, so I would love to know who you're favorites (or not) of the night were!
Hilary Rhoda in Wes Gordon
Nina Dobrev in Monique Lhuillier
Chloe Sevigny in Proenza Schouler
Ivanka Trump in Juan Carlos Obando
Madonna in Givenchy
Diane Von Furstenberg
Cara Delevingne in Burberry
Queen Donatella Versace
Julie Macklowe in Zang Toi
Blake Lively in Gucci
True story: If Blake Lively is on a red carpet and I'm doing a roundup, she's automatically included. Love. Her.
Photos via AP, NY Mag, Reuters
Met Gala
Red Carpet
The Met Ball
While my makeup bag post may lead you to believe otherwise, I am actually not one to carry around my entire life in my handbag. For the most part anyway. But I like having the option to do so, hence why the majority of my bags are on the medium to large size.
That said, lately I've been looking to downsize a bit. Whether I am running errands or around the city, I find myself on most days just wanting to carry the bare minimum/essentials and nothing more. I always thought crossbody bags were "too small" for me, but I have since changed my mind and think that they just may be the perfect option. With the variety of sizes (and colors!) available, I know the perfect one will keep my hands free and my load light, from the farmers market to the Garment District.
1.Nicole by Nicole Miller 2.Michael Kors 3.Calvin Klein 4.Tory Burch 5.Merona
Do you have a favorite crossbody bag? I'd love to hear your suggestions!
Crossbody Bags
Retail Therapy
My Weight Loss Journey
Last week I mentioned that things would be getting a bit more real around here, and that I would be starting a
new post series every first Friday of the month called “Fit Friday” (working title). I also mentioned that I would
be sharing the reasons why health and fitness are so important to me to begin
with. In order to understand that, I have to share a story that is not just
deeply personal to me, but defines who I am today, soooo, here we go.
Growing up, I was overweight. I knew it,
my doctors knew it, my parents knew it, and my bullies definitely knew it. I was
told it was something I would grow in to and that it was just “baby weight." I figured this to be true, so I waited and waited
for that day when I would wake up and not be fat. As I waited for this magical day, a bit overweight in middle school became very overweight by the end of high school and obese by the end of my
Freshman year of college, when I gained 40 pounds.
Initially, my health was not a concern to me. I was more interested in losing weight as a way to free myself from the taunts of my peers and to be able to shop where and how I wanted. I'd heard of diabetes and high blood pressure, but considered them "old people problems," and nothing for me to worry about. (The thinking of a 12 year old.) However, as time passed by and I gained more weight, that changed. I was completely out of shape and by the time I was a Junior in high
school, I was on the verge of diabetes. Trips to doctors and specialists,
nutritionists, countless gym memberships, multiple attempts at Weight Watchers,
and my favorite, a fat camp, yielded results for awhile, but my growing frustrations would cause me to give up and the weight would return.
Soon my thyroid came into question. I had no idea what or where my thyroid even was, but I went along with the notion (though not officially diagnosed) that I probably had a slow metabolism. I went along with it because deep down, I knew that it wasn't my thyroid that was causing me to gain weight.
What many did not know was that I was extremely depressed. I didn’t fit in, was bullied, and had low self-esteem. I was scared of being a failure and not measuring up to ridiculously high standards. I had dreams and goals, but never the ambition or motivation enough to achieve them. I felt lost, hopeless, and alone. I was simply going through the motions of life, hoping and praying that one day, things would change on their own. I dealt with all of these feelings by eating. A lot. I was an emotional binge eater, a vicious cycle that made me feel good and bad at the same time. I knew I had to change, but I didn't even know where to begin.
What many did not know was that I was extremely depressed. I didn’t fit in, was bullied, and had low self-esteem. I was scared of being a failure and not measuring up to ridiculously high standards. I had dreams and goals, but never the ambition or motivation enough to achieve them. I felt lost, hopeless, and alone. I was simply going through the motions of life, hoping and praying that one day, things would change on their own. I dealt with all of these feelings by eating. A lot. I was an emotional binge eater, a vicious cycle that made me feel good and bad at the same time. I knew I had to change, but I didn't even know where to begin.
In 2010, I started to have a breakthrough. My
parents and I had just come back from a cruise and while I had a great time,
when I looked at the pictures from formal night, I broke down. I was disgusted and
appalled at what I saw. How did let myself get this way? Staring at that photo, it was more than just my size and a faux-happy smile that was staring back at me. It was everything that my weight was a result of: sadness, anger, hurt. I began to cry. I didn't want to be that person anymore, whoever she was. No, I was done with being that person any longer. I needed to make a plan. I went out the next day and bought a scale and set three goals
for myself: drink water, cut out excess sugar, and start moving. I
kept with it the best I could, (between working and school and commuting from opposite ends of the earth) and from September
to December, I lost 10 pounds.
While I was still somewhat sticking to my original plan it was in March of 2011 when I had a full and complete breakthrough. It was during my spring break from school (or as I like to call it "eureka week"), that something finally clicked. I was ready. I was finally motivated and determined on my own accord to change my life once and for all. I spent that week working out in the morning and making my grand plan during the day. I figured out times to get exercise in before or after class, ways to not feel deprived with healthier food choices that were delicious (no steamed chicken and broccoli here!), and most importantly, ways to completely free myself from the negativity of the past that held me back and lead me to binge eat. Even though I had made many attempts before, this time felt different. I just knew that this time, it was going to happen.
![]() |
Cruise 2011, Christmas 2011, Spring 2012 |
Over the next two years, my life began to change. I was learning what it meant to be truly happy and confident. I was starting to believe in myself and my dreams and began working toward them. With each pound I lost, I gained some new perspective and learned something knew about myself. What started out as a journey to lose the weight, soon became a personal journey of self-discovery.
I also lost over 100 pounds.
Sometimes I wish I had connected the dots sooner and gotten to this point at an earlier time in my life (I know, I'm talking like I'm so old!), but I am a firm believer that sometimes things happen in life for a reason. I am so grateful for the struggle, because it brought me to where I am today and for the first time in my life, I can truly say that I know what it is to love myself.
I also lost over 100 pounds.
Sometimes I wish I had connected the dots sooner and gotten to this point at an earlier time in my life (I know, I'm talking like I'm so old!), but I am a firm believer that sometimes things happen in life for a reason. I am so grateful for the struggle, because it brought me to where I am today and for the first time in my life, I can truly say that I know what it is to love myself.
![]() |
then and a much happier now. |
Thank you for reading! xx
My Weight Loss Journey
Weight Loss
Cinco de Mayo!!
After my birthday, Cinco de Mayo would have to be my favorite holiday/celebration of the year. There's no pressure to find the perfect gift or hours spent cooking an elaborate meal, just a fun festive day filled with bright colors, good music, and most importantly, good food! For those reasons (and the ones below) it's kind of hard not to love Cinco de Mayo! Tiempo de fiesta!
EAT: What are chips without salsa and guac? Given my love of avocados, I'm excited to give Alyssa's perfect guac a try, along with some Paleo tortilla chips. Served in this three piece set from Target, it's the perfect servewear for the occasion and upcoming summer get togethers.
DRINK: I can't wait to make my own margaritas drink them out of an actual margarita glass, not a Starbucks cup...
WEAR: I love how well this dress from Mango complements these super festive earrings from Nordtrom. Like the servewear, both are perfect for now and into summer!
BTW: The banner on the side is printable, perfect for last minute decorating!
Cinco de Mayo
Eat Drink Wear
Summer Skin
If you couldn't tell from yesterday's post, I have summer on the brain. And if May goes as fast as April did, in just a few short weeks the weather will be warming up nicely and summer will be (un)officially here. #cantwait
To get ready for bare leg (and arm) season, I've been doing a bit of prep. You see, no matter how much I try to moisturize and limit the amount ofscalding hot showers I take during winter, once spring rolls around, my skin still looks dull, dull, dull. Thankfully, with the help of a few of my favorite skincare products, once the weather warms up, I will be ready for my favorite shorts and skirts. That is once I buy them...
To get ready for bare leg (and arm) season, I've been doing a bit of prep. You see, no matter how much I try to moisturize and limit the amount of
Daily: Lavender soap from Trader Joe's
This soap was an impulse buy last summer as I saw "lavender" and "France" on the label, and was immediately transported back to Provence. It's become a staple since it's not just moisturizing, but the little bits of lavender in the bar offer a gentle exfoliation on a daily basis. And of course it smells amazing.
At Night: Bio Oil and Palmers Cocoa Butter
I have been using Bio Oil and Palmers interchangeably for old scarring and yes, stretch marks. I really can't tell which one is better, but I do know they work and are really moisturizing. I love using Bio Oil as my nighttime moisturizer as I wake up with the softest skin ever.
Weekly: Trader Joe's Lavender Scrub
Have you picked up on the fact that I love lavender/skincare products from Trader Joe's? My favorite scrub ever. Super moisturizing and incredibly effective.
With no time for a lotion, I first used this tanner right before graduation last year. I've kept a backup supply ever since. Even though it is a spray, it's super easy to apply and looks very natural as well. Also, thanks to Chelsie, I now know it come in a lotion as well!
Can I be honest? My use of sunscreen is sometimes abysmal and relying on the minimal SPF in my lotions and face products is just not enough! I got the bejesus scared out of me last summer in Bermuda when I learned that the UV for the day was listed at 10 or very high and I had ZERO sunscreen on. I've been making a conscious effort to protect my skin as much as I can, and have starting incorporating lotions with SPF, until the heavy duty sunscreen is needed for the summer sun. While I love my summer skin products, nothing beats having healthy skin to put those products on to begin with. Amiright?
What are some of your favorite spring/summer skincare items?
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