The 25 before 25 List...


Well, I got through as much of my 25 before 25 list as the time (less than a year) would allow, but even though I didn't get through the entire list, I'm not sweating it. The whole purpose of the list was for me to get out of my comfort zone, and I can say it definitely did that. At times I forgot about the list because instead of it being about things to-do, it began to serve more as a guideline, a mindset even: just get out there and do it.

And I did. Never in a million years did I think I would find myself taking on ballet, because I thought I was "past my prime," or taking Italian because "my brain suffered enough in college and it's so much harder than Spanish," or all the other things on and off the list that I got done. I've learned to be a bit more spontaneous (still working on not being stuck to my schedule so much) and I love just going out and doing things, often without thinking twice about it, and I truly believe that this undertaking has definitely helped me ease into 25 just nicely.

completed: • perfect making macarons • go one month without shopping for clothes • do a typically group thing alone • begin the conversational Italian class • hold plank for a full minute •complete the Whole 30 • purchase personalized stationery • spend one full day doing only touristy things • wear something that is out of my comfort zone • attend a cooking class • take a group dance or fitness class • read 5 books from the BBC classics list • learn more about photography and buy a dslr • eat at 5 new places in NYC •                     

My only regret is that I had not thought of doing this last year, because I really had so much fun making the list (I really just love making lists) and crossing things off after completion. If you've ever thought of making one of these lists, whether it be for a birthday or over time, I highly recommend it. It really was a great experience, and I'm already thinking of making another list. I did have a 30 before 30 list started, but I'm thinking maybe I will give a 101 things in 1001 days a go. Can I even think of 101 things to do, let alone count 1001 days from now? Probably to the former, absolutely not to the latter. I've started the list here.

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