I still cannot believe the absolute INSANITY that ensued following the release of the Missoni for Target collection on Tuesday. Not even that it sold out, or crashed the website, but more the fact that people were camped out at Target from 5:30am, fighting with other shoppers, and ultimately, buying everything so they could go sell it on eBay.
My plan was to wake up Tuesday and go to Target, before catching the train to school. However, I was just so tired it became sleep>shopping. So I opted to sleep in, and instead check out the Target near my school before heading to class.
Well of course as the story would, and has been going by many, when I strolled into Target at 10:30am, I had missed the boat. All the employees I talked to said it "worse than Black Friday", with most items selling out in just FIFTEEN MINUTES!!! As excited as I was for the collection, I was happy I slept in instead, because I don't mess with that kind of crazy. Not one bit.
A manager informed me that there were very few items upstairs in housewares, so I ventured up to see just what was left. It was a small display of bedding, with of course a crowd around it. I spotted a style I didn't see before, with a really nice print. Being in the middle of redecorating my room, I decided to get it since really, it is perfect! (The stares I got from people at my school as I lugged the set around were priceless.)
My biggest beef with how this all played out is how most of the collection ended up on eBay. 39,000+ approximately, going 3x, in some cases more than their original retail selling price. Do people not realize that even though it has the Missoni name and design, it is ultimately a TARGET product they are spending hundreds of dollars on? Even
Margherita Missoni tweeted that people were being crazy!!
There is no reason a $39.99 throw blanket should be going for $207.50. NONE.
Did you grab any Missoni for Target? How was shopping where you were?
Overall, what do you think of it all?