Last week I mentioned that I had a very exciting guest post for while I was away and here it is- the first ever guest post by The Style Dossier! The Style Dossier is one of my favorite blogs where sisters Libby, Mandy, and Katy talk fashion, food, DIY, and beauty. They also come up with some amazing cocktails, perfect for any or every occasion. Knowing how great they are what they do, I asked them if they would come up with a cocktail for me based on my likes and my love of summer, and this is what they came up with: The Cocada.
Summer's are all about raspa's on those hot summer days, lounging by the pool, but most importantly those perfect summer cocktails. We think we have a real winner here: The Cocada is the PERFECT summer cocktail- it's fresh and tastes just like vacation! You know those drinks that make you feel like you're on a beach somewhere soaking up the sun? This is definitely it. It has pineapple, coconut and tequila, exactly what you need in a summer drink. Lately our secret ingredient has been Mexican flavored soda's as they make any cocktail taste so fresh. Just add tequila and you have yourself the best cocktail. The genius behind pineapple soda deserves a medal. Happy Summer!
What's your cocktail of choice come summer?
And thank you again Libby, Mandy, and Katy for guest posting!