

There are some stores that I just can't go into. Target is number one, Michaels is another, and any type of kitchen/home goods store follows close behind. I will always find something that I just absolutely "need."

Case in point, my madeleine tray. I bought it back in January, not because I wanted it, but because I needed it. I needed it because I had given up processed foods, and while I enjoyed them on occasion at Starbucks with my tall Americano, that was a thing of the past. So I needed that tray to make them on my own, with ingredients I could feel good about.

(I swear that was my entire thought process.)

So I'm sure some irony lies within the fact that the tray I "needed" so badly didn't get used until six months later.  But despite that, I already know that buying that tray was completely worth it. I had a few recipes that I wanted to try out, but went with this recipe for starters. Those dainty, buttery cakes are were just too good to have just one. I can't wait to try other varieties including chocolate and Nutella.

Taste aside, don't they just look so impressive? I suddenly have the urge to have a tea party, especially after laying my eyes on this tea set...

Because I need it right?

A Day at the U.S. Open


Yesterday, I had the opportunity (thanks Dad!) of going to the U.S. Open. I am normally not one for spontaneous/last minute plans, but if there was ever a lesson to be flexible and throw away the schedule sometimes, this was it. I would have missed out on a truly spectacular experience.

Truth be told, I have never understood tennis. Sure, I played one summer in camp, but that was short lived after a serve hit me dead center in the middle of my forehead... After yesterdays game, I know that there are six games in a set, the player must lead by two to win a game, and it's the best out of three sets! See!! Professional. 

While the day was long and a bit hot, it was nice to see some of the best tennis players in the world right now, especially Maria Sharapova and Serena Williams. In addition, the grounds of the stadium are absolutely beautiful, with so much to see and do (I couldn't get over the outdoor Moët & Chandon terrace). All  know is, count me in for the Open next year! 

Transitions and Changes


Ever since coming across this quote, it has been my mantra of the week. I never realized how much of a transitional month September is, especially as a recent graduate. It has been weird with some of my friends going back to school, studying abroad, and I'm not. I guess you can say it has finally set in: I am a college graduate. I surely do not miss college and its many syllabi, overpriced textbooks and overbearing professors. Yet, it doesn't change the fact what was a routine for so many years, is no more.  There is one thing I can be sure of, onwards and upwards. Amiright?

Speaking of changes, I've made a few little ones around the blog. I've done away with the Disqus commenting system, and gone back to Blogger's. Also, the blogs gotten a makeover! (Huge thank you to Blair!) What I love most about the new layout is the "share" features at the end of each post. Don't be afraid to pin it, tweet it, or share it on Facebook!!

I have a few super fun things planned in the next coming weeks. Giveaways are always fun right?

Bedroom Decor Inspo


Yes, I know. I have been redecorating my room for forever now, but as the new season approaches, I am antsy to complete it now. I did manage to complete the two major projects I wanted to do this summer, (staining my dresser and putting up pictures) so now it is just time for the finishing details. 
{photo sources: one, twothreefour, five}

What are your favorite ways to accent or spruce up your space?

Sweet September...


some weekend reading.

Is it just me, or is this year just flying by? I cannot believe it is already September!

But I have no complaints, because September is my absolute favorite month of the year. The number one reason that I love September? It's my birth month! But birthday aside, September is just such a great month, especially being in NY. From Fashion Week to the feast of San Gennaro, there is so much going on! Not to mention the (welcome) change in the weather and the start of the best season of all, Fall!

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! Happy first day of September!!